Faculty Parental Leave FAQs
The Parental Leave of Absence Policy located on the University Policies website.
The Family and Medical Leave Act. Information about the FMLA can be found in the University Policies Family & Medical Leave Policy
Please contact your HR Business Partner or call the main Human Resources line at 616-331-2215 to discuss further.
For qualifying faculty classifications, the birth parent will have salary continuation benefits to utilize when medically unable to work. Both qualifying birth and non-birth parents will have access to up to 6 weeks of paid bonding time through the Parental Leave Policy.
For qualifying faculty classifications, the birth parent will have salary continuation benefits to utilize when medically unable to work. Both qualifying birth and non-birth parents will have access to up to 6 weeks of paid bonding time through the Parental Leave Policy.
Visiting and adjunct faculty members are not eligible for salary continuation benefits. This would be an unpaid leave of absence.
An FMLA eligible Faculty member can take up to 12 weeks off for parental leave.
This is a release from teaching as a principal instructor of a regularly scheduled, semester-long course. A parental leave plan with modified duties is developed to cover the time before and after a parental leave.
A medical and/or parental leave of absence for six weeks or longer during a semester. Six weeks or more can cause significant disruption to student learning.
Depending on the needs of the department, you and your Unit Head may agree upon an alternate teaching schedule. An example is an agreement to teach over the Spring/Summer semesters in order to continue pay while on leave during the Winter semester.
A faculty member may request an extension of the probationary period by pausing the tenure clock so that they may withdraw from teaching, work part-time, or continue to work full-time while attending to other commitments. More information can be found on the University Policies pages under Probationary Appointments.
Before Parental Leave
It’s best to give your Unit Head notice as soon as possible. There are various benefits of telling your Unit Head sooner rather than later. The more planning and preparation you and your Unit Head do before you leave the easier both of you will find it when you return. An earlier announcement will enable all of those involved to support you and the operational requirements of your department.
Your Unit Head will arrange for a teaching replacement for your parental leave. You are welcome to assist your Unit Head with finding a teaching replacement.
After an unpaid leave of absence, you would return to work on an academic year pay schedule (the 18 paychecks option). Any part of your salary that was previously deferred will be spread out and paid to you over the spring/summer months.
The forms should be submitted at least 30 days in advance of the leave start date.
Eligibility of benefits is based on your staff group and if there is medically necessary recovery time associated with your leave. Please refer to your appropriate handbook or contract for information.
The physician's medical documentation determines medical recovery time. Typical recovery time for an uncomplicated vaginal delivery is six weeks and for cesarean delivery is eight weeks.
Qualifying non-birth parents are eligible to utilize paid time off through the Parental Leave Policy for up to 6 weeks of bonding time with their new child. Salary continuation/sick benefits may be utilized for the medical recovery period associated with birth and delivery for the birth parent.
If eligible for vacation benefits, you can use vacation time to supplement your time off on a parental leave of absence.
The parental leave start date can be adjusted to reflect the actual date your parental leave starts. If the start date should change, a notification will need to be provided to your supervisor and Human Resources as soon as possible.
Please contact your HR Business Partner or the main Human Resources line at 616-331-2215 to discuss further.
While on an approved parental leave, benefits will continue as if you were working.
During paid leave, employee contributions continue to be deducted out of paychecks.
During unpaid leave, you will receive information from iSolved Solutions notifying you of the cost you are responsible for and where to send the payments.
To add your baby/child to your insurance(s), please login to eBenefits on the Health & Wellness website.
A list of things to consider following the birth of a child, such as increasing your HSA contributions, can be found on the Health and Wellness website under Life Event Changes.
Yes, FMLA paperwork is considered a medical expense and is HSA eligible.
Modified Duties
Modified duties may include; administrative work, scholarship work, providing office hours, participating in committees, and attending departmental meetings. Modified duties will not include primary teaching responsibilities. There is no expectation that all of these duties are to be worked from home.
If eligible for FMLA, you can take up to 12 weeks off for parental leave. Additional time off which is not covered by salary continuation or the Parental Leave Policy will require vacation (if applicable) or unpaid time to be used.
All faculty members are eligible for regular pay during the timeframe of their approved modified duties.
You and your Unit Head shall discuss and determine, in consultation with your Dean’s office, what modified duties are to be performed.
Modified duties need to be discussed and developed between you, the Unit Head, and the Dean.
The birth parent leave can be adjusted to reflect any necessary changes. If changes should occur, a notification will need to be provided to your Unit Head and Human Resources as soon as possible. A revised Parental Leave Plan may also be needed.
Parental Leave
Your parental leave plan should include; the dates of your parental leave, the dates of your modified duties, what your modified duties are, and when you will resume teaching duties. It will also need to be signed by you, your Unit Head, and your Dean. Then send to Human Resources for final signatures by HR and the Provost’s office.
Examples of faculty parental leave plans can be found here.
You are not expected to work during a parental leave of absence. Birth parents will be required to provide a medical return to work release from your physician before returning to work.
Return to Work
For birth parents, a return to work release from your physician will need to be provided to Human Resources before you return to work.
You do not have an automatic right to return to work part-time but you can discuss the possibility of a Flexible Work Arrangement with your supervisor. Information about Flexible Work Arrangements can be found at 05sf.noujcf.com/fwa.
You will continue to be entitled to the remainder of any parental leave and pay, however, you are required to provide as much notice as possible to the University and the absolute minimum should be your normal contractual notice.
Other Resources
New parent resources can be found on the Benefits and Wellness website.
Resources for finding childcare can be found on the Benefits and Wellness website.
GVSU is striving to make it easier for nursing parents to maintain breastfeeding after returning to work by providing private and comfortable rooms for nursing. A list of rooms for nursing can be found on the Facilities Services website.
Questions about parental leave of absences can be directed to your HR Business Partner or by contacting the main Human Resources office at (616) 331-2215 or [email protected].