
Welcome Alumni

Welcome to all alumni! 

Political science majors are accomplishing incredible things in Michigan and all around the world. We love to hear from you! If you'd be interested in being featured in one of our spotlights, send an email to [email protected] with a picture and some or all of the following:

  • Name, major(s), minor(s) (optional), and year of graduation from GVSU:
  • Describe your accomplishment (education, work, voluntarism, etc.), and optionally, anything you did previously (just a couple of sentences or as much as a page):
  • Anything you’d like to mention about how your classes, professors or activities at GVSU prepared you for your current path (optional): 

If you are looking to make contact with fellow alumni, check out the GVSU PLS and IR alumni Facebook group.

If you need a letter of recommendation, you'll find our letter of recommendation guidelines here, and faculty contact information here

We look forward to hearing from you!


Shaun Brodie Spotlight

Shaun Brodie

Shaun Brodie, Senior Staff Attorney for the Benefits Review Board at the U.S. Department of Labor. 

Lyndsey Bates Spotlight

Lyndsey Bates

Lyndsey Bates, Partner/Attorney at AsherKelly

Landon Hughes Spotlight

Landon Hughes

Postdoctoral Fellow at Harvard Medical School

View More Spotlights

Distinguished Alumni

Periodically, the Political Science Department is asked by the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences to invite a Political Science or International Relations alumnus to campus for the Distinguished Alumni-in-Residence program. The program provides a venue for departments to invite outstanding alumni back to campus to share their post-graduation experiences with the GVSU community.  Through the program, our distinguished alumni have the opportunity to share their insights about what constitutes strong academic preparation for students.

Political Science and International Relations Distinguished Alumni-in-Residence:
James Spaanstra 2005
Edward Cardenas 2006
Bob Monaghan 2007
James Meernik 2010
Nerina Cevra 2012
Richard Damstra 2015
Tim Zeeb 2017
Alan Dunklow 2019

Distinguished Alumni

James Spaanstra '74 Spotlight

James Spaanstra '74

Energy and Natural Resources Attorney

Richard Damstra '96 Spotlight

Richard Damstra '96

Foreign Service Office, U.S. Department of State

James Meernik '85 Spotlight

James Meernik '85

Political Science Professor

Edward Cardenas '95 Spotlight

Edward Cardenas '95

Media and Communications Expert

Robert Monaghan '67 Spotlight

Robert Monaghan '67

Corporate Executive and Nonprofit Leader

View More Distinguished Alumni

Page last modified April 13, 2021